
At Bartlett Consulting Inc. we are eager to demonstrate the value of using personality profiling as a tool to build productivity and to act as a catalyst for business growth. To help illustrate how management styles of your executive team, their leadership skills & each member’s personality type affects your business functions, we will provide... Read More ➜

Talent Management is one of the most significant factors in increasing productivity and profitability in nearly all organizations. The ultimate goals with talent management strategies are matching positions to personalities, allowing employees to use their natural abilities and tendencies to excel.

Bartlett Consulting Inc. helps creates and implements talent management strategies to greatly increase ... Read More ➜

Employee Profiles – Essential In Employee Development and Career Development Bartlett Consulting Inc. uses DrakeP3 assessments to produce accurate individual employee profiles to help in screening, selecting and hiring the appropriate talent to do specific jobs.

While many organizations (and assessment tools) stop there, Bartlett Consulting Inc. realizes placing the “right person in the right role” is the first step in driving higher levels of performance. Combining the DrakeP3 system with our consulting services to develop employee profiles, we will work with you to create a total employee development solution. All solutions are geared toward identifying top, strong, effective leaders to grow your business and focus on your strategic initiatives.... Read More ➜

Every job analysis is built by identifying key foundational competencies and behaviors leading to high performance in a specific position.

Job analysis competencies include the various skills and abilities an individual needs to do a job properly. Employees possessing the core competencies are inherently prepared to meet the challenges a position may present.... Read More ➜

Employee retention represents one of the most immediate saving opportunities available to a business or organization.

Conversely, the lack of employee retention steals profit dollars more quietly, consistently and with potentially crippling effects than just about any other drain on profit... Read More ➜

Bartlett Consulting Inc. works closely with clients to developing strategies to make recruitment activities from advertising to interviewing to candidate selection more efficient and effective.

Effective recruitment strategies start with defining the requirements of positions in terms of skills and knowledge.... Read More ➜

Ensuring the long term success of an organization is the function of succession planning.

As companies grow, often times areas of need can develop as top performers take on additional responsibilities and can no longer attend to existing job requirements. Understanding this trend can affect many areas within an organization, allowing proactive planning for the future... Read More ➜

All businesses succeed with cooperation and a collective effort. Effective team building to create an end product or service is a must for companies intending to grow. Because teams are a collection of individuals, having mechanisms in place to help team members value existing differences contribute greatly to conflict resolution and accelerating the team building process... Read More ➜