Job Analysis

Accurate Job Analysis Is a Key To Employee Development and Performance Management 

Every job analysis is built by identifying key foundational competencies and behaviors leading to high performance in a specific position.

Job analysis competencies include the various skills and abilities an individual needs to do a job properly. Employees possessing the core competencies are inherently prepared to meet the challenges a position may present. This allows people to experience success and the ability to be an active contributor to a team as soon as possible.  The Bartlett Consulting Team are experts at developing effective job analysis benchmarking enabling the identification, evaluation and development of productive behaviors in individual employees.

For productivity to increase, quality to improve and significant goals to be achieved, a job analysis must be accurately conducted. It is the key to defining achievement in terms of employee development and performance management at every level and position of an organization.

Employee Development – A Natural Result Of Effective Job Analysis

An effective Job Analysis allows companies to develop templates of behaviors and competencies effectively matching job candidates with specific positions. A well designed job analysis creates the best possible match of skills and abilities with a position. It is a first, important step in employee development.

Bartlett Consulting Inc. works closely with client companies to create appropriate interview
questions to ensure as candidates are reviewed and vetted, crucial information is collected. This
information will provide insight relative to competencies and behaviors needed for success in a particular
job or responsibility.

The job analysis is the basis for candidate comparison as they relate to matching job requirements. This dynamic applies to all levels of an organization and is a crucial tool in employee development through a career path. A job analysis is also the foundation needed in benchmarking for various levels of skill and ability as well as a tool to be used in performance management.

Job Analysis is a key to effective benchmarking, employee development and performance management. Contact Bartlett Consulting Inc. to help develop an achievement plan for your organization.