Pre-Employment Screening For Efficient Recruitment

Pre-Employment Screening For Efficient Recruitment

Bartlett Consulting works closely with clients to develop strategies which make recruitment activities from advertising to interviewing to candidate selection more efficient and effective.

Effective recruitment strategies start with defining the requirements of positions in terms of skills and knowledge. Bartlett Consulting then works with your staff to define the appropriate personality type to be coupled with the skills and knowledge to help create a detailed recruitment plan.

An efficient recruitment process includes the following steps:

  • Creating recruitment ads to attract only qualified candidates

    – too often employment ads are developed to create a wide response from the various media used to promote open positions, after developing a job analysis for a specific position, we assist in creating ads contributing the pre-employment screening process. The result is more qualified people respond. Another aspect of this process is less of the wrong type of people respond, saving time and resources, making the entire process more efficient.   

  • Create recruitment ads based upon motivators of the position

    – the people you ultimately hire must be motivated within the position they are in to succeed and continue to be challenged. The daily responsibilities of the position must be rewarding in and of themselves to make ongoing success more likely and employee retention improved. This pre-employment screening is a significant contribution to minimizing wasted hires, unmotivated workers and all of the related costs of high turnover.    

  • Establish criteria for matching candidates to jobs

    – pre-employment screening depends on job analysis and identifying the behavioral requirements needed to excel in a position. The Bartlett Consulting Inc. works closely with our clients to determine the exacting personality criteria needed for success in a given position.   

Pre-employment screening is a critical time saving and time management tool to be added to the recruitment process. More time saved during the recruitment process results in more efficient and productive time spent by hiring staff, including line Managers, Supervisors or Human Resources personnel. Pre-employment screening is the catalyst for all of these things to occur.

Effective and efficient recruitment efforts start with focused and insightful pre-employment screening. Bartlett Consulting Inc. will make that happen for your organization.